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Adapting to an uncertain future with composable commerce accelerators


By Bill Taylor

Vice President of Talent acquisition

The future is always uncertain, but the landscape of e-commerce is particularly unpredictable when it comes to the technical infrastructure that will support its growth. E-commerce has shown tremendous growth over the last two decades, and every forecast for the next ten years predicts that it will continue to grow well above the pace of the overall economy.

Despite reasonable optimism that the growth of e-commerce is almost a certainty, the technology that will drive and support this growth is far less predictable. In a fast-evolving landscape, the solutions we rely on today will likely be replaced or dramatically reshaped. Businesses that make monolithic technology decisions risk being locked into outdated systems.

This is where composable commerce accelerators shine. They allow businesses to adapt by offering multiple options for each major component (shopping cart, search, content management, etc.) within a single modular architecture. This flexibility ensures that e-commerce platforms can grow and evolve alongside new technologies, rather than becoming obsolete.

Benefits accrue not just in terms of performance for the commerce customer, but less money and time for the retailer’s implementation. The key benefits that a composable accelerator can offer include:

  1. E-commerce businesses can hedge their bets by making smaller, incremental technology decisions rather than committing to one large, monolithic platform.
  2. During the technology evaluation phase, a commerce accelerator allows businesses to test the performance of various options for each composable component almost in real time.
  3. In addition to testing individual components, the commerce accelerator can demonstrate the performance of the entire commerce architecture with different composable components added or removed.
  4. If the architecture for the next phase of composable commerce already includes options within the commerce accelerator, implementation becomes dramatically faster and less costly.
  5. As new or enhanced versions of composable components are introduced, they can be easily added to the accelerator, delivering performance benefits without the need for a lengthy implementation process.
  6. New composable components can be integrated into the commerce accelerator for thorough evaluation, allowing businesses to assess not just the individual performance but the impact on the entire e-commerce solution.

As artificial intelligence becomes more embedded in e-commerce, a commerce accelerator allows businesses to evaluate how AI-enhanced components improve the entire architecture, rather than focusing on a single feature.

Much like the Zen Habits Method for personal improvement, composable commerce accelerators provide businesses with a simple, incremental approach to achieving growth. The method can be summed up in four steps:

  1. Start very small.
  2. Do only one change at a time.
  3. Be present and enjoy the activity.
  4. Be grateful for every step you take.

In personal improvement, these four steps are called habits. In software engineering, these four steps are called an algorithm. It is a series of steps that you can apply to make any change, no matter your situation. It works.

By embracing composable commerce, businesses can approach their digital transformation with the same calm, methodical process, enhancing their technology stack step-by-step without feeling overwhelmed by massive changes.

Ultimately, the greatest benefit is not only improved business performance, but also a smoother, more tranquil path to innovation and growth. Through incremental and adaptive change, e-commerce businesses can thrive in an uncertain future while staying agile and prepared for whatever comes next.
