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Building resilience for an uncertain future with composable commerce


By Bill Taylor

Vice President of Talent acquisition

The future will be different from the past! We have all experienced this. So how do we think about the future? And after we think about the future, how do we prepare for the future? And most importantly, how do we react when our view of the future turns out to be incorrect?

 Businesses must address uncertainty by creating resilience. One effective way to achieve this resilience is through composable commerce. Just as a composable business is built from interchangeable building blocks that allow for real-time adaptability, composable commerce applies the same principles to e-commerce. By breaking down large, monolithic e-commerce platforms into smaller, best-of-breed components, businesses can more easily adapt to changes in the market. These components—whether they handle search, content management, promotions, or other functions—can be mixed and matched to create a customized solution that meets the specific needs of the business at any given time. The building blocks of composable business enable organizations to pivot quickly.

Understanding composable commerce

The concept of composable business has naturally extended into the world of e-commerce, giving rise to composable commerce. This approach breaks down large, monolithic e-commerce platforms into smaller, best-of-breed components. These components can include search functionality, content management systems, promotions engines, and more.

Composable commerce doesn’t lock businesses into a specific technology or architecture. Instead, it’s often associated with MACH design principles:

  1. Microservices: Independent services that can be developed, deployed, and scaled separately.
  2. API-first design: Ensuring that every component is built to integrate seamlessly with others via APIs.
  3. Cloud-Native SaaS: Leveraging cloud-based software to ensure scalability, flexibility, and continuous updates.
  4. Headless architecture: Separating the front end from the back end, allowing for more flexibility in delivering user experiences.

These principles empower businesses to mix and match the best technologies available, tailoring their commerce solutions to meet specific needs.

Building resilience through composability

Composable commerce is particularly valuable for its ability to build resilience. As the business environment continues to change, companies with composable architectures can quickly integrate new technologies, pivot their strategies, and respond to unexpected market shifts.

For example, during a sudden surge in online shopping, a business using a composable commerce approach could quickly scale its infrastructure to handle increased traffic or integrate a new payment method to meet customer demand. Similarly, if a specific component becomes outdated or insufficient, it can be replaced without disrupting the entire system.

The term “composable” also applies in scenarios where businesses need to augment or eliminate parts of their existing platforms. For instance, a company might integrate a more advanced search tool into its existing e-commerce platform or replace a legacy content management system with a modern, cloud-based solution.

Preparing for an uncertain future

We can be certain that the future will remain uncertain. Preparing for that uncertainty means embracing technologies and strategies that enable rapid adaptation. Composable commerce does exactly that—it creates a flexible, resilient foundation that businesses can build on, tear down, or reconfigure as needed, ensuring they are always ready to face whatever comes next.

In alignment with the principles of composable business, composable commerce creates resilience in the face of the always uncertain future. We can be certain that the future will remain uncertain. And we must be prepared for that.
