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E-commerce platform vendor selection success

The Challenge

The client needed a new SaaS or PaaS e-commerce platform to support B2C and B2B relationships and required guidance in vendor selection.

Our client, a long-standing industry provider of high school, collegiate, and professional sports-related apparel, was in the market for a new SaaS or PaaS e-commerce platform to replace their existing custom-built solution. Their primary concern was having a new platform that would support both their B2C and B2B relationships. They were unsure which vendor to choose to build this out.

The Solution

New Elevation collaborated with the client to define requirements, shortlist vendors, and support vendor selection for their new e-commerce platform.

Using New Elevation’s e-commerce industry knowledge, the team collaborated with the client’s stakeholders to define the technical and functional requirements needed for their new platform. Through a series of workshops, they developed and recommended a short list of e-commerce platform vendors. The final vendors presented to both the client and the New Elevation team their system and analysis on how they would build out the new e-commerce platform. Support continued until the client was confident with their chosen vendor.

Key Results

The client successfully implemented a new platform supporting B2C and B2B transactions, reducing IT support needs, and enhancing sales rep capabilities.

After choosing a vendor, the client saw a replacement of their old platform with a new, more modern platform. This new platform supports both B2C and B2B transactional use cases and related back-office management. It also significantly reduces the amount of IT support needed and adds enhanced abilities for sales reps to more efficiently manage their school-specific sites. Due to the success of this project, the client approached New Elevation to assist with an ERP selection in the future.

Don’t just optimize, elevate

Efficiency gains and operational improvements are great. But to remain leaps and bounds ahead of competitors, you need a tech partner who understands the ever-changing landscape and your unparalleled vision. That’s how you’ll reach the highest echelons — and continue climbing higher.
